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Come Alongside Life 107

You CAN do something! Life 107 Ministries relies on committed volunteers in Western North Carolina who want to make a difference in the lives of those who are being prostituted and sex-trafficked in the United States.


  1. PREVENTION: Education, awareness, and trainings to prevent future victimization and equip communities to recognize and respond to exploitation.
  2. EMPOWERMENT: Initiatives to create platforms for victims to reach out for assistance.
  3. PROVISIONS: Providing mentorships and resources for survivors to be successful in recovery.

If you have a gift of service, Reach Out to to find where you fit in service with Life 107!

  • Recognize the signs of trafficking and respond when you notice a PINK FLAG.
  • Donate to Life 107 and make a difference with your financial gift.
  • Host a speaker to educate a group about sex trafficking.